An old wooden shed in the back garden, with a wingbacked armchair, a sleeping bag to keep out the cold, an old suitcase to prop his feet on and always, always six yellow pencils at his hand, was where Roald created the worlds of The BFG, The Witches, James and the Giant Peach, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and many, many more. It was here that Roald Dahl began to tell his five children made-up bedtime stories and from those that he began to consider writing stories for children. Patricia and Roald were married only one year after they met! The couple bought a house in Great Missenden called Gipsy House.
Roald Dahl's growing success as an author led him to meet many famous people including Walt Disney, Franklin Roosevelt, and the movie star Patricia Neal. Forester sent Roald Dahl's work straight to the Saturday Evening Post. I didn't touch a word of it.' (an opinion which would have been news to Roald's early teachers!). Roald Dahl was a spy, ace fighter pilot, chocolate historian and medical inventor. Four exciting sections - ANIMALS MAGIC FAMILY, FRIENDS AND HEROES and MATTERS OF IMPORTANCE - introduce some of Roald Dahls most popular characters, from the Enormous Crocodile to the Twits, from the Witches to the BFG, from James to Matilda. Forester was amazed by the result, telling Roald 'I'm bowled over. The Roald Dahl Treasury is a delightful collection by and about the Worlds Number One Storyteller.

Forester (author of the Captain Hornblower series) who asked the young pilot to write down his war experiences for a story he was writing. It was there that he met famous author C.S. Later in the war Roald Dahl was sent to America. Roald wrote about these experiences in his books Boy and Going Solo. Tragically of the 20 men in his squadron, Roald Dahl was one of only three to survive. But being nearly two metres tall he found himself squashed into his fighter plane, knees around his ears and head jutting forward.

With the outbreak of the Second World War Roald Dahl joined the RAF. In Africa he learnt to speak Swahili, drove from diamond mines to gold mines, and survived a bout of malaria where his temperature reached 105.5 degrees (that's very high!). In fact, he is the only big friendly giant in Giant Country. He seems incapable of marshalling his thoughts on paper!' After finishing school Roald Dahl, in search of adventure, travelled to East Africa to work for a company called Shell. Penguin presents the audiobook edition of The BFG by Roald Dahl, read by David Walliams.

Roald Dahl's stories continue to make readers shiver today.When he was at school Roald Dahl received terrible reports for his writing - with one teacher actually writing in his report, 'I have never met a boy who so persistently writes the exact opposite of what he means. These delightfully disturbing tales have often been filmed and were most recently the inspiration for the West End play, Roald Dahl's Twisted Tales by Jeremy Dyson. Roald Dahl, the brilliant and worldwide acclaimed author of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, James and the Giant Peach, Matilda, and many more classics for children, also wrote scores of short stories for adults. ' Who better to choose the ultimate in spine-chillers than Roald Dahl, whose own sinister stories have teased and twisted the imagination of millions? Here are fourteen of his favourite ghost stories, including Sheridan Le Fanu's The Ghost of a Hand, Edith Wharton's Afterward, Cynthia Asquith's The Corner Shop and Mary Treadgold's The Telephone. It should give you the creeps and disturb your thoughts. 'Spookiness is the real purpose of the ghost story. Fourteen terrifying ghost stories chosen by the master of the macabre, Roald Dahl.